SW Group and its group companies garner “Social Capital Builder Awards 2022” by the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau
The Home and Youth Affairs Bureau held the biennial “Social Capital Builder Awards 2022 Presentation Ceremony” at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 14th December, 2022. SW Group and its group companies (10 awardees in total) were invited to attend the presentation ceremony and have been awarded the “Social Capital Builder Logo Awards. To accord recognition to individuals and corporates and organizations for their contributions to the development of social capital in Hong Kong from 2020 to 2022, the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau has organized the biennial Social Capital Builder Awards since 2012 provide an opportunity for various sectors of the community to witness and share the achievements in building social capital in Hong Kong.
The awards are a testament to the Group’s remarkable performance in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The assessment criteria are based on 6 core social capital dimensions, namely, social networks, social participation, information and communication, trust and solidarity, mutual-help and reciprocity, and social cohesion and inclusion.
Since the establishment of the SW Group, the Group’s founder has always believed that the best business practice is to contribute to the society in many ways. In the future, SW Group and its group companies will adhere to the business philosophy of "Customer-Centric" in various industries and provide customers with a high-quality lifestyle platform through diversified business areas.